
AnandtechclaimedthattheyusetheoldsensorIMX135whileonthehandsonvideosit'sobviousthattheLGG3supports4KvideowhichonlytheIMX214ismeant ...,TheG3's13-megapixelrear-facingcamerausestheSonyExmorRSIMX135imagesensormodel,includesopticalimagestabilizationandadual-toneflash,alongwithahybridautofocussystem.,LGG3'srearcamerahasa13MP,SonyIMX135ExmorRS,CMOSsensor.Thepixelsizeis1.127μmandtheaperture–f/2.4.The...

LG G3 vs G2 - Camera Test - Little Improvement

Anandtech claimed that they use the old sensor IMX135 while on the hands on videos it's obvious that the LG G3 supports 4K video which only the IMX214 is meant ...


The G3's 13-megapixel rear-facing camera uses the Sony Exmor RS IMX135 image sensor model, includes optical image stabilization and a dual-tone flash, along with a hybrid autofocus system.

LG G4 vs LG G3 - camera shootout

LG G3's rear camera has a 13MP, Sony IMX135 Exmor RS, CMOS sensor. The pixel size is 1.127 μm and the aperture – f/2.4. The maximum image ...

LG G3: Launch and Hands On

The front facing camera uses Sony's IMX208 sensor. Like on the G2, the back of the G3 is home to both the 13MP back camera as well as the volume ...

Camera Architecture - The LG G3 Review

The LG G3 does appear to be using a new front facing camera, as the Sony IMX208 is a sensor that I've never heard of before.

LG G3 Beat LG G3 „s“ full specifications

LG G3 Beat / LG G3 „s“ ; Front camera effective pixels, 1 megapixels ; Camera sensor type, 1/3-inch CMOS ; Camera digital zoom, Yes ; Camera white balance, Yes.

LG G3 hands-on: First look: Camera features

The LG G3 has a 13MP camera with a number of unique features. While the resolution and sensor size are the same as on the G2, LG claims it ...

LG G3 camera sensor and performance details surface

The IMX135 is a 1/3.06” sensor (which is around the average size for a smartphone), which means that the size of each individual pixel is 1.2µm.

LG G3 Smartphone Camera Review

For cameras the LG G3 has a 2.1-megapixel front-facing sensor for selfies and a rear-facing 13-megapixel sensor that has been reported to be ...

LG G3 Smartphone Review

The IMX135 is a stacked CMOS design that helps capture more light and supports HDR video (more information about this sensor is available on ...